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Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Our Goals

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences is working with a mission to produce human resource in different fields of knowledge with special emphasis on students' character building keeping our social, cultural, and more importantly, religious values in view for preparing them to play their role effectively in building and refining the society to make it peaceful, happy, and prosperous.

It offers different Associate Degree (ADP), BS and MS programs. The Scheme of Studies of all the programs has been prepared keeping in view the guidelines of the Higher Education Commission, Pakistan, which meets all the international standards. Admission to these programs is awarded on merit as the faculty has commitment to quality of education.

Dr. Navid Jamil Malik


“will be shared soon.”

Dr. Navid Jamil Malik


“will be shared soon.”

Our Departments

  • Department of Education

    Department of Education is one of the auspicious departments in Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Sialkot. The department offers its services for graduate degree programs in Education. Education is an essential discipline in the social sciences. Therefore, the graduate from the department have ample opportunities in the competitive job market. They may find opportunities in the areas, including inspirational speakers, experts in academia, educational management and Administration, career counseling, career opportunities in schools, colleges, and universities.

  • Department of English

    Department of Languages. Department of Languages. Department of Languages. Department of Languages. Department of Languages. Department of Languages. Department of Languages. Department of Languages.

  • Department of Islamic Studies

    Department of Islamic Studies aims to offer high-quality education focusing on research excellence, development of ethical norms, prepare students to meet challenges of the modern era, and foster demand-driven education for all. The department was established in March 2018 when the university laid the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences setup. It offers BS program and MS program in Islamic Studies. All courses related to Islam must be studied from their primary sources and original language to get firsthand knowledge of his/her area of study. Presently, the department offers specializations in Tafseer and Qur'anic Sciences, Hadith Sciences, Aqeedah and Philosophy, Seerah and Islamic History, Comparative Religion, Da'wah, Islamic Culture and Islamic Jurisprudence.

  • Department of Media and Communication Studies

    Department of Media and Communication Studies is one of the primary department in the faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences offers its services for various degree program in Media and Communication. The curriculum for the degree program is designed to prepare manpower needed for the communication and mass media development of the country. BS degree program is offered to broaden the spectrum of Media and communication in the region of Sialkot. The Department has state-of-the-art laboratory that is fully equipped with all required and latest equipment to support the offered program. The research programs of the department are based on recent developments at the frontiers of knowledge.

  • Department of Politics and International Relations

    Department of Politics and International Relations is offering quality education to students enrolled in its degree programs. Foreseeing the rapid innovations in International Relations, our faulty is striving to offer several areas of research that cut across the purview of the traditional fields like Political Theory, Comparative Politics, Public Policy, Foreign Policy, and Governance. Moreover, to enhance the rational faculties and convert its students into critical and responsible citizens of the state, the department ensures a serene intellectual environment, including seminars, webinars, colloquiums, interactive sessions, and participation in national and international conferences.

  • Department of Psychology

    Department of Psychology is one of the pioneer departments in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. Its initial setup was laid down in 2013, when university opened its gate for students to learn and grow. The four years BS (Hons.) degree program in Clini- cal Psychology offered by Department of Psychology is adequately designed in accordance with international standards and curriculum devised by HEC. This program provides an understanding with the basic principles, theoretical frameworks, and concepts of psychology applied in clinical domain. Committed to provide our students with research-based advances of scientific knowledge focusing on detailed understand- ing of psychopathology and implantation of different assessment, diagnosis, therapeutic, and prognosis. Complimenting students to develop themselves professionally as psychologist by training them to follow professional ethics.

  • Department of Urdu

    Department of Urdu was started in University of Sialkot from Semester Spring 20, ADP Urdu, BS Urdu, M.Phil. Urdu and Ph.D. Urdu classes are started here. The department has very dedicated and experienced teachers with vast experience in the field of education and research. For the promotion of research in the department, Research General “Muhakma” has been implemented which is approved by HEC in “Y” category. Conferences, seminars, lectures and various programs for the promotion of literature are often held here.