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Navid Jamil Malik

Navid Jamil Malik

navid.jamiluskt.edu.pk I am working in higher education institutions in Pakistan and abroad, since 1989. Currently, at University of Sialkot, I am serving as Dean Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Director Professional Development Center, Director Center for Rumi and Iqbal Studies. Also served here as the Director Faculty of Engineering and Architecture and Head of the Department of Education. In my professional career, I have worked at International Islamic University Islamabad, DHA Suffa University, Karachi, engaged in research collaboration in the area of Leadership and Management at Faculty of Economics and Business Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), Sarawak, Malaysia, served Umm-al-Qura University, Makkah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. I started my career in 1988 at Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission as a faculty member of Center for Nuclear Studies (CNS), (Now, Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences (PIEAS), Islamabad. Holds a BS in Electrical Engineering, MS in Systems Engineering, and Ph.D. in Education. My current research areas include spiritual teacher leadership and holistic development of teachers, learners and professionals. Prior to this, also actively engaged in teaching and research in the areas of Artificial Intelligence and Control Systems. My teaching areas include Social Sciences, Education, Mystic Poetry, Spirituality, Leadership, Team Building, Applied Mathematics, Computer Science, and Electrical Engineering. I am certified trainer of John Maxwell Team, USA, associated with The International Leadership Training Institute of John Maxwell team in Islamabad. I am also Business Development Consultant of The Educatics, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom. In addition to these I am senior resource trainer for SPD, WAPDA Staff College, Pakistan Engineering Council, and Punjab Police in Pakistan. As a trainer, my training areas include Whole Person Development, Finding the Inner Voice, Leadership, Corporate Mysticism, Holistic Development, Educational Philosophy, Curriculum Development, and Mystic Literature. In last 15 years, I have conducted 100+ training workshops I am HEC PhD Approved Supervisor for Social Sciences, Patron-in-Chief of 1 HEC recognized research journal, Patron of 1 HEC recognized research journal, Chief Editor of 4 HEC recognized research journals, Reviewer of 1 HEC recognized research journal. I have 22 research publications in internationally recognized journals, 18 conference papers at national and international level. I have supervised 60+ research thesis supervised in areas of applied science and engineering and social sciences, attended 25+ conferences, seminars, and workshops. I have authored 5 books of Urdu poetry, 10+ books under the process of compilation by my team of researchers. I have managed and supervised 25+ CSR activities in my community during last 3 decades in which I established 10+ institutions including schools, early learning centers, and academic learning forums. I received Ilm-o-Adab Award in 2024, Life Time Achievement Award in 2023, Allama Iqbal Award in 2022.