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News & Events

Victims of Flood are still calling us !!

Victims of Flood are still calling us !! Another truck equiped with donations for flood affectees departed today from University of Silakot. Mr. Rehan Younas (Executive Director,USKT) had interaction with students who worked for collections of donations by setting up c...

Career Opportunity

Exceptional Career Opportunity at the University of Sialkot. The Last date to apply is January 24, 2023.


A good path always leads to a better tomorrow. University of Sialkot is a gateway to knowledge, wisdom & Vision. Admissions are open in 80+ programs at USKT. Result awaiting students can also apply in BS programs

It’s peak summertime. Which means? MANGO PARTY

It’s peak summertime. Still, it was hard for the department of Software Engineering to resist celebrating the season of the King of Fruits called *Mango*. The students and faculty celebrated a day of this juicy yellow fruit with yellow dresses in this scorching he...

Our collaboration with Brest State University

University of Sialkot and Brest State University named after A.S.Pushkin, Belarus has joined hands for students and faculty exchange, establishment of joint research projects, joint research publications, internships and organizing the conferences, seminars, and symposi...