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News & Events

High-level Delegation from Mombasa , Kenya

The University of Sialkot highly welcomed a high-level Delegation from Mombasa Country, Kenya, comprising Ms. Salma Noor, the Focal Person for the COMSTECH Mombasa Program in Mombasa, Ms. Sabaah Ahmed Omar, CECM Department of Health, Mombasa County, Mr. Abdullah Jughe D...

Seminar has been organized by Textile & Fashion Design on sustainable fashion

The seminar has been organized by Textile & Fashion Design featuring Prof. Dr. Nabeel Amin on sustainable fashion at the University of Sialkot.Respected Muhammad Yaqoob (Registrar) ,Dr.Ghulam Abbas (Dean Faculty of Textile & Fashion Design), HODs , Faculty membe...

Comprehensive event has been organized on Mental Health Day

A wonderful and comprehensive event has been organized on Mental Health Day on "Universal Human Rights" by the Department of Psychology.Respected Dr.Aslam Dar , HODs , Faculty members and students actively participated in the session.The session was started with perform...

Session on Islam and the Modern Way of Life

Renowned Islamic Scholar "Raja Zia ul Haq" graced the University of Sialkot today with an enlightening session on "Islam and the Modern Way of Life." The enthusiasm and motivation of USKT students were palpable as they gathered to seek guidance and knowledge. Riwaj Soci...

شعبہ اردو یونیورسٹی آف سیالکوٹ کے زیرِ اہتمام ایک شعری نشست کا انعقاد کیا گیا

شعبہ اردو یونیورسٹی آف سیالکوٹ کے زیرِ اہتمام آج 17 اکتوبر کو ایک شعری نشست کا انعقاد کیا گیا ۔ اس نشست میں معروف شاعر شاھد ذکی مہمان خصوصی تھے ۔تقریب کی صدارت ڈائریکٹر اقبال کیمپس ڈاکٹر اطہر عظیم نے کی۔ نشست کے آغاز میں ڈاکٹر الیاس عاجز، نعمت اللہ ارشد ،ڈاکٹر مشتاق عاد...