Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology was established in Oct, 2014, when university laid setup of faculty of sciences in its campus
The undergraduate program of BS Biochemistry at the university offers a wide variety of courses and lab facilities to strength of more than 150 students. The Department is growing rapidly in strengthening the ongoing program by establishing state- of- the- art labs and qualified faculty having rich and diversified exposure of National /International Universities. Our students are highly encouraged to broaden their scientific study through research opportunities outside the sub-campus. Department will further improve the teaching, research, training facilities and quantity as well as quality of trained manpower in 2018. University of Sialkot is going to introduce three new programs BS Molecular Biology, BS Environmental Biology, and MS/MPhil Biochemistry. This will consequently lead to uplift of community of whole Pakistan but specially Sialkot division. Department of Biochemistry has focus on the problem-oriented research related to industries and public service.
The minimum Duration to complete this program is 4 years, while the maximum Duration to complete this program is 6 years.
The minimum credit hours to complete this program is 124 hours, while the maximum credit hours to complete this program is 140 hours.
Our graduates are present in different Countries
Admission Fee : Rs 15000/-
Registration Fee : Rs 15000/-
Per Semester Tuition Fee : Rs 95832/-