About Us
The Office of the Treasurer is primarily entrusted
to manage the assets, liabilities, finances, investments
of the University and its funds. The university
funds are the money received through fees,
donations, trusts, bequests, endowments, contributions,
grants, and other sources. Role of the
Treasurer as the core member of Finance & Planning
Committee (an Authority under University
of Sialkot Act IX of 2018) includes financial planning,
advising, executing, and reporting
fund-based accounting i.e. preparing annual
and revised budget estimates of the university.
The other proprietary role of the Office of the
Treasurer is to ensure that the university funds
are expended for the purposes for which they
are provided. In order to ensure this responsibility,
it is authorized to devise a system of Internal
Audit, its reporting mechanism and enforcement
of other effective and efficient checks &
balances, internal control measures to
avoid/Minimize errors, omissions and inefficiencies.
will be updated soon.
will be updated soon.