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Women Leadership Summit 2023

Women Leadership Summit 2023

In connection to International Women’s Day, the University of Sialkot hosted the “Women Leadership Summit 2023” in which a large number of faculty and students along with business women from the Women Chamber of Commerce, Sialkot participated. 

Leading business women from Women Chamber Sialkot including Ms. Nadia Qaiser, Ms. Lubna Tabbassum, Ms. Talat Ghuman, Ms. Zaina Arshad, Ms. Hina Arshad, Urben Sister, and Ms. Roshane Asif Sheikh gave highly encouraging and motivating talks to session.

Prof. Dr. Kanwal Ameen (Vice Chancellor, University of Home Economics, Lahore) was the chief guest while Ms. Asma Khalil (Assistant Commissioner, Sialkot) graced the event as Guest of Honor.

Prof Dr Kanwal Ameen (Vice Chancellor, University of Home Economics, Lahore) and Ms. Asma Khalil (Assistant Commissioner, Sialkot) along with Mr. Faisal Manzoor (Chairman, Board of Governors the University of Sialkot) and Mr. Muhammad Rehan Younas (Executive Director, University of Sialkot) also inaugurated the event Food Gala Festival arranged by the Department of Biotechnology and appreciated all the female exhibitors and their stalls. the event was moderated by Ms. Aleena Faisal and Ms. Maira Khurram.