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Dengue Awareness and Inspection Team Visits USKT

Dengue Awareness and Inspection Team Visits USKT

The University of Sialkot hosted a dengue awareness session along with an Inspection Team visit, led by the CEO District Health Authority (DHA) Sialkot, Dr. Muhammad Aslam Chaudhary, alongside DHO Sialkot, District Entomologist Ms. Sehrish Khalid, CDC Officer, and District Sanitary Inspector. The CEO appreciated the university staff, during the visit for their commitment to cleanliness and dengue prevention activities. The inspection team, was briefed regarding the university’s efforts and measures for dengue prevention by Prof. Dr. Tanvir Ali Khan Sherwani (Dean, Faculty of Pharmacy and Allied Health Sciences), Ms. Rooma Qadeer (Director, SIFC) and Mr. Arif Aziz ( Registrar). They also had a meeting with worthy Vice Chancellor Prof. (Meritorious) Dr. Muhammad Khaleeq-ur-Rahman, who presented the CEO with a souvenir, appreciating the team’s efforts and offering full support for ongoing dengue prevention efforts. USKT remains committed to ensuring the health and safety of students and the community.