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Comprehensive event has been organized on Mental Health Day

Comprehensive event has been organized on Mental Health Day

A wonderful and comprehensive event has been organized on Mental Health Day on "Universal Human Rights" by the Department of Psychology.Respected Dr.Aslam Dar , HODs , Faculty members and students actively participated in the session.The session was started with performance of young kids from Little Angels School which was a so heartwarming and inspiring addition to the event.After this marvelous performance by young students A panel discussion on the intersection of mental health and universal human rights occurred.It is an excellent forum for bringing together experts and stakeholders to exchange ideas and insights. During this discussion, experts from psychology , International Relation, Islamic Scholar shared their knowledge and explained strategies and best practices for integrating mental health and universal human rights .further , a skit was performed by the psychology students that conveyed the important message of self-confidence. In the end,Dr. Aslam Dar concluded the event , with his insightful remarks and he appreciated the efforts of students and faculty for arranging such events . Later on, shields and soveniers were presented to the honorable guests and the management team .