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A delegation of Strategic Export Control Division

A delegation of Strategic Export Control Division

A delegation of Strategic Export Control Division (SECDIV) from the Ministry of foreign affairs (MoFA) consisting of Mr. Rehan Akram (Director), Mr. Aown Arshad Gillani (Acting Director), Mr. Mussawir Ali Mirza (Assistant Director) and Ms. Memoona Nazir (Assistant Director) visited the University of Sialkot. 

The Director of Campus and the team of USKT welcomed the members of the delegation on behalf of the honorable Vice Chancellor of USKT Mr. Rehan Younas. Director (SECDIV) in his presentation elaborated on the need for a deep understanding of the sensitive matter of exporting strategic items and materials, which are prohibited. He also deliberated on the related laws and rules.

SECDIV undertakes outreach visits to sensitize the relevant agencies/businesses and academia/research institutions on the laws and regulations related to strategic export controls in the light of directions laid in ICP guidelines. The participants of the USKT learned crucial elements of export control on dual-use items, technology, materials, and equipment through this session.

The University of Sialkot considers itself fortunate to host such instructive programs to broaden the knowledge of Faculty and students in addition to their regular academic work.