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USKT officials were invited at 3rd Rector’s Conference 2022 in Islamabad

USKT officials were invited at 3rd Rector’s Conference 2022 in Islamabad

The Honorable Chairman Board of Governors (Mr. Faisal Manzoor) and Respected Executive Director (Muhammad Rehan Younas), were invited at 3rd Rector’s Conference 2022 in Islamabad arranged by APSUP Pakistan. The honroable Chairman met with President APSUP, Prof Dr Ch Abdul Rehman, Rector University of Lahore (Mr. Awais) and Murtaza Noor (Secretary APSUP)
All the Vice Chancellor from the OIC counties participated and shared their ideas for mutual beneficial collaborations in various fields for creating better eco-system in the higher education for muslim ummah.
The delegation also celebrated Ethiopia 🇪🇹 Nation, Nationalities and People's Day at Ethiopian Embassy in Pakistan🇵🇰 with H.E Jemal Beket Abdula ambassador Ethiopian embassy Islamabad.