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IEEE PIE 2023 Event in University of Sialkot

IEEE PIE 2023 Event in University of Sialkot

IEEE PIE 2023: Bridging Academia and Industry for Sustainable Growth
The IEEE Student Branch at the University of Sialkot, under the proficient leadership of Dr. Sabeen Javaid, orchestrated a momentous event, IEEE PIE 2023. This significant gathering witnessed the convergence of illustrious tech leaders from the Information Technology (IT) industry, marking a pivotal discourse on digital transformation in industrial advancements for sustainable growth.
The panel discussion, themed "Digital Transformation in Industrial Advancements for Sustainable Growth: Bridging Academia and Industry to Achieve SDGs," served as the focal point of this exceptional event. Esteemed leaders from the realms of technology and academia lent their expertise and insights, illuminating the path towards achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Invited upon the gracious invitation extended by the Honorable Vice Chancellor, Mr. Muhammad Rehan Younas, the distinguished panelists included luminaries such as Mr. Salim Ghori, CEO of NetSole Technologies; Ms. Kanwal Cheema, CEO of My Impact Meter; Dr. Saad Rehman, Pro-Vice Chancellor at IISAT University; and Dr. Nauman Riaz, Head of the Computer Science Department at the University of Gujrat.
Notably, the event also featured esteemed personalities contributing to the intellectual vibrancy of the discussions. Mr. Usman Muhammad ali (IEEE Lahore Chapter) Mr. Rehmat Ullah Gill, Director of ORIC at IISAT, Dr. Ather Azim, Dean of FMAS, and Dr. Muhammad Aslam Dar, Dean of Inter Faculties, graced the occasion with their remarkable presence.
Their collective insights, coupled with their profound contributions on this critical subject, captivated the audience, leaving an indelible mark on the discourse of academia-industry collaboration.
IEEE PIE 2023 stands as a testament to the University of Sialkot's commitment to fostering a symbiotic relationship between academia and industry, setting the stage for impactful collaborations to realize sustainable growth and advance towards the fulfillment of SDGs.