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The University of Sialkot in collaboration of Meezan Bank Limited

The University of Sialkot in collaboration of Meezan Bank Limited

The University of Sialkot in collaboration of Meezan Bank Limited and State Bank of Pakistan arranged an exclusive awareness seminar on "Islamic Banking and Finance" covering Zakat, Riba Free Products, and Services today on Monday, March 20, 2023, at around 10:00 AM in Abdul Ghani Auditorium.  

Large number of participants form The Sialkot Chamber of Commerce & Industry including Mr. Wahab Jahangir (SVP), Khawaja Khawar (Anwar Khawaja Industries), Arshad Latif Butt (Chairman, Sports Goods), Shafiq Sb (Chairman, Banking Committee and Former SVP), Mr. Peter John (EC, SSCI) and a good number of students from faculty of management and administrative sciences along with other faculties joined the event. 

Prof Dr Ather Azeem (Dean, FMAS) presented welcome remarks and pledge its full support to spread the message to the masses by preparing student groups. Mr. Nisar Ahmed (Senior Deputy Chief Manager, SBP Sialkot) presented key note address. Dr Uzair Ashraf delivered a detailed talk on the subject topic followed by Q&A session.