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Session on the Elevation: Navigating International Academic and Research Opportunities

Session on the Elevation: Navigating International Academic and Research Opportunities

The ACM Student Chapter at the University of Sialkot recently organized an interactive session titled "The Elevation: Navigating International Academic and Research Opportunities." Dr. Moonisa Ahsan, a Postdoc Researcher in the Netherlands, served as the speaker, shedding light on various international scholarship opportunities in Europe. She delved into the challenges of studying abroad and provided insights on overcoming them. Dr.Moonisa shared her own experiences and achievements, emphasizing the importance of a clear purpose. The session concluded with a Q&A where students asked questions about career paths and research. Dr.Moonisa expressed her appreciation for the students' enthusiasm and the vibrant university environment, thanking the University of Sialkot, USKT management, and the ACM Student Chapter for organizing the event effectively.