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Empowering Future Lawyers at USKT

Empowering Future Lawyers at USKT

The University of Sialkot hosted the “1st Barrister Muhammad Ali Jinnah National Legal Debate Competition,” giving students a chance to show their debating skills. Teams from the University of Chenab, Sialkot Law College, USKT, IISAT and the University of Gujrat took part in the event. The judges included Shamshad Ahmed Bajwa (Advocate Supreme Court & Member Punjab Bar Council), Barrister Shehzad Shabeer (Advocate Supreme Court), Chaudhary Usman Mushtaq (Advocate High Court & Former Secretary Bar Council), Chaudhary Ehsan Ismail (Advocate High Court & Former Secretary Bar Council), and Dr. Asif Khan, Director of the Faculty of Law .The University of Gujrat team gave a great performance and won the competition. The event’s success was made possible through the involvement of various societies at USKT and the efforts of directors, deans, heads of departments and faculty members from the Faculty of Law. This competition was organized under the guidance of worthy Vice Chancellor Prof. (Meritorious) Dr. Muhammad Khaleeq Ur Rahman, who always emphasizes the importance of promoting co-curricular activities like debate competitions that foster student growth, skills and confidence. The guests were presented with souvenirs and certificates were awarded to all participants in recognition of their efforts. USKT always remains dedicated to supporting its students and helping them grow into future leaders.