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USKT Marks the 76th Independence Day of Pakistan with a Grand Celebration

USKT Marks the 76th Independence Day of Pakistan with a Grand Celebration

The University of Sialkot Marks the 76th Independence Day of Pakistan with a Grand Celebration

[Sialkot, Date] - The University of Sialkot celebrated the 76th Independence Day of Pakistan in a spirited and grand manner. The event witnessed a vibrant gathering of faculty members and students, uniting in a collective display of national pride and unity.

Honorable Mnib Iqbal (Grandson of Allama Muhammad Iqbal) graced the event as chief guest and hoisted the flag. The flag, a symbol of Pakistan's sovereignty and resilience, was hosted with utmost honor by Honorable Munib Iqbal and Mr. Muhammad Rehan Younas (Vice Chancellor of the University of Sialkot).

The Independence Day celebration at the University of Sialkot served as a reminder of the nation's achievements, aspirations, and potential. It was a momentous occasion that united hearts and minds in a shared commitment to building a brighter and more prosperous Pakistan.