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An awareness walk on Climate Change and environmental Sustainability

An awareness walk on Climate Change and environmental Sustainability

The university of Sialkot-An awareness walk on Climate Change and environmental Sustainability was organized by the Science Club. Dr Muhammad Danish (Dean Faculty of Sciences), along with guests Dr. Muhammad Sohail Sajid, Associate Professor, and Dr Urfa Bin Tahir, Assistant Professor of Parasitology Department from University of Agriculture Faisalabad participated in walk. Both guests highlighted the importance of Climate in animal,s life. Engineer Muhammad Shoaib Saleem (Industrial Consultant) Board, University of Management Technology, Lahore, Sialkot Campus). A large number of students presented their Masters research studies on climate change across the Faculty of Science. The main objective of this event is to sensitize the participants on the latest trends, technologies and strategies to combat climate change and promote environmental sustainability while promoting innovative and creative solutions to climate change.