Muhammad Danish
Professor Dr. Muhammad Danish is Ph.D. in Chemistry and has been serving as Dean, Faculty of Sciences since January 2023. He is a famous name in the field of synthetic chemistry. He earned his PhD under split program (DAAD) between Germany and Pakistan. He has two post-doctoral studies on his credit: one from Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan and second from The University of Sydney, Australia. As Principal Investigator he has completed two national projects like “Synthesis, characterization and biological evaluation of sulphonamides, N-alkylated sulfonamides and Schiff bases from tranexamic acid and their metal complexes” and “Template Controlled Nano-materials for Electrochemical and Energy Devices” and several projects as Co- Principal Investigator funded by Higher Education Commission Pakistan He is Honorary Associate of University of Sydney where he remained engaged with cancer studies and worked on a number of new rule-breaker platinum compounds that are found to be highly active against a number of ovarian tumor models. Major fields of his research are, Nano-materials, new Platinum based Anticancer Drugs, Main Group Metal Chemistry, Surface Chemistry, Kinetics and Thermodynamics, Detection of Essential and Trace Elements in Soil, Plants and Animals, Transition Metal Chemistry, Oils and Fats, their products and by products. Based on these areas there are more than 170 publications on his credit and twice declared as productive scientist of Pakistan, by PCST. He has an impact factor of 200, more than 2500 citations, h-index 29 and i10-index 60.