The faculty of sciences envisions to provide theoretical
as well as practical knowledge with quality research
and innovation to develop highly skilled professionals
in demanding fields of physical and biological sciences
particularly in food, agriculture , pharmaceutical, forensic
and medical sciences
Our Goals
Faculty of Sciences also aims
to develop interdeciplinary insight, practical knowledge
and emperical skills among students. Moreover,
faculty of science is committed for the professional
and personal growth of students through the development
of new scientific knowledge and interpersonal
skills. We strive to provide ample opportunities for
professional and personal growth of our students that
will allow students to excel in future endeavors.
The Department of Biochemistry discovers and transfers new knowledge about the molecular basis of life through basic biomolecular science, research and cross-disciplinary knowledge transfer and trainings.
Department of Biotechnology is one of the leading departments in the Faculty of Sciences with an extensive number of career opportunities in the modern world.